60 км @ 5 ГГц - Направленные антенны

We decided to test our antennas on 60km link. This range exceeds typical setup of these products, but we wanted to show, that even on such long distance links INTERLINE antennas working excellent.

Obviously one of the main conditions of successfully established connection is a carefully selected cabling and other accessories.

Cable measurments: FSH-6 cable loss measurments

Experienced stuff was also very important factor.

Localization "A".

As the orientation points we choose Ślęża mountain (red arrow) and chimneys of the main Wrocław heating facility (blue arrow)

Trzebnica Hills - view towards Wrocław (260 above SL, 60 000 meters from point "B")

The first step was to setup PROXIM TSUNAMI MP11a RSU and connect it to INTERLINE PANEL 23dBi/5GHz directional antenna.
Besides presentation of PANEL 23 antenna capabilities we used it to find alignment direction as this model has wider horizontal and vertical beam than PARABOLIC mini. Next stage was to connect PARABOLIC mini antenna and take signal quality and transfer measurements.

Measurements results and signal quality are presented at the end of this article.

Antennas, devices and accessories used listing

  • Proxim Tsunami MP11a RSU
  • PANEL 23dBi/5GHz and PARABOLIC mini 29dBi/5GHz
  • RF-400 cable, 2 meters, 0.9dB/m
  • antenna elevation: 260 m.n.p.m

Localization "B".

As the orientation points we choose Ślęża mountain (red arrow) and chimneys of the main Wrocław heating facility (blue arrow)

Góry Sowie foreland, (450 above SL, 60 000 meters from point "A")

On the hills near Ksieginice village we set up INTERLINE PARABOLIC mini 29dBi/5GHz.
Then connect PROXIM TSUNAMI MP11a device with 2 meters Belden RF400 cable.

Measurements results and signal quality are presented at the end of this article.

Antennas, devices and accessories used listing

  • Proxim Tsunami MP11a BSU
  • ARABOLIC mini 29dBi/5GHz
  • RF-400 cable, 2 meters, 0.9dB/m
  • antenna elevation: 450 m.n.p.m

Link quality and transfer results

Data transfer was measured by Qcheck software and Total Commander - popular file manager.

PROXIM Tsunami MP11a configuration

  • firmware: 2.0.1
  • tryb: bridge
  • TX power: by producer: 17.5 dBm, measured: 19.2dBm
  • SNR readings by TELNET console with a command set aad enable local


  • A = localization A
  • B = localization B
  • TC = Total Commander
  • Q = Qcheck
  • UP = upload
  • DL = download

A: PANEL 23dBi <-> B: PARABOLIC mini 29dBi/5GHz

TSUNAMI MP11a Signal/Noise/SNR [dB] Transfer
US @ 5.825GHz / 6Mbps A: -73/-91/18
B: -83/-93/10

TC DL: 490 kB/s (+/- 10)
TC UP: 490 kB/s (+/- 10)

A: PARABOLIC mini 29dBi/5GHz <-> B: PARABOLIC mini 29dBi/5GHz

TSUNAMI MP11a Signal/Noise/SNR [dB] Transfer
US @ 5.825GHz / 6Mbps A: -70/-92/22
B: -77/-94/17
TC DL: 500 kB/s (+/- 10)
TC UP: 500 kB/s (+/- 10)
POLAND @ 5.64GHz / 36Mbps A: -70/-88/18
B: -67/-88/21
TC: transfer not possible Q: 80 kB/s
POLAND @ 5.68GHz / 24Mbps A: -70/-88/18
B: -67/-88/21
TC DL: 1150kB/s (+/- 20)
TC UP: 870kB/s (+/- 10) TC UP&DL: 350kB/s (+/- 100)
USA @ 5.28GHz / 24Mbps A: -65/-85/20
B: -62/-84/22
NetMeeting video conference in the background
TC DL: 1040kB/s (+/- 10)
TC UP: 220kB/s (+/- 10) TC UP&DL: 0-300kB/s, transfer very unstable, link was useless
USA @ 5.28GHz / 18Mbps A: -65/-85/20
B: -62/-84/22
NetMeeting video conference in the background
TC DL: 650kB/s (+/- 50)
TC UP: 150kB/s (+/- 50)
USA @ 5.28GHz / 12Mbps A: -65/-85/20
B: -62/-84/22
NetMeeting video conference in the background
TC DL: 500kB/s (+/- 20)
TC UP: 50kB/s (+/- 30)
USA @ 5.28GHz / 6Mbps A: -65/-85/20
B: -62/-84/22
w tle uruchomiona telekonferencja NetMeeting
TC DL: 300kB/s (+/- 50)
TC UP: 80kB/s (+/- 30), transfer very unstable, many reconections


The test proove for the next time, that INTERLINE antennas are of highest quality and can rival with leading products from international market.